


Please be aware that dates sell fast and far in advance. If you think Pine and Pond is your preferred venue you will likely need to book quickly.

See a date that you’re interested in? Send us an inquiry and we will put it on a 7 day hold while you review details, come for a tour, or ask further questions. Dates “on hold” are not shown on the calendar, therefore, just because it is open on the calendar does not mean that you will be able to put a hold on the date.

Seven Reasons to Consider A Non-Saturday Wedding Date

Did you know that Friday weddings have a higher RSVP count over Saturdays? That’s what data from numerous venues has shown and it’s been tracked for over 5 years. It might be that Fridays are psychologically the kick off to the weekend but any way you look at it, this is good news. Why? Because that means that couples have MORE options than they think they have. Here are 7 reasons to consider a non-Saturday event.

Saturday tends to be the most popular day of the week to get married which means it’s also the most expensive. By booking on a Friday or Sunday, you could save a pretty big chunk of money from other vendors you hire.

If you choose a Friday for your wedding, there is a good chance you could have your rehearsal on the Thursday, the day prior, whereas, if you choose Saturday as your wedding day and you want to rent the venue for a second day for your rehearsal, it will need to be earlier in the week (i.e. Wednesday).

Worried that your guests won’t show up? Don’t! Anyone who really means something to you will be there regardless of the day of the week. Wedding venues have done weddings on every single day of the week and the data is there; your guests will come! More and more people are required to work on weekends, therefore, a Friday, Sunday or mid-week wedding will make it possible for many of your guests to attend, whereas, they may not be able to attend a Saturday wedding.

If you want a summer wedding, Saturday dates are going to be hard to find unless you’re booking over a year and half in advance. If you are flexible, and consider a non-Saturday date, you are more likely to get the time of year you prefer, at your preferred venue. Always be pickier about your venue and and the time of year, than the day of the week.

It’s not the wedding of your dreams if all you can secure is your venue. Like good venues, good vendors tend to book up fast, especially caterers, photographers and florists! By choosing a non-Saturday date, you are more likely to get your vendor dream team and might even save a few dollars while you’re at it.

Give your guests a mini vacay by having your wedding on Friday or Sunday. You could suggest local activities for their Saturday, and hold a farewell brunch on Sunday (or vice versa with a welcome brunch on Friday, and the wedding on Sunday). A non-Saturday date gives your guests the chance to explore the area a little; and, trust us, they’ll thank you! Many of your guests might be coming from out of province. They will appreciate the opportunity to explore the area (i.e. the Rockies, West Edmonton Mall, Canmore, Banff, Sylvan Lake, Pigeon Lake, etc.).

Consider your guest list. The average wedding has 75% of their guests coming from further away than 100km. Believe it or not, the day of the week doesn’t deter this fact. For those coming from out of province, weekday flying is actually cheaper than weekend. People take days off for all kinds of reasons. Taking a day off for your wedding is not a big deal for most guests. It’s certainly worth a consideration!

If you choose to have your wedding on a weekday, we recommend starting your ceremony a couple hours later than if you had it on a Saturday to accommodate those who work on that day. You may want to take your wedding couple/party photos prior to the ceremony to shorten the time between your ceremony and the reception dinner.

If you are considering a Sunday wedding, we suggest having your ceremony a hour or two earlier than if you had it on a Saturday. In this way, those who might need to work on Monday can stay for as much of your event as possible and still get home in time for a good night's sleep.

The MOST IMPORTANT THING TO REMEMBER IS ... getting your preferred venue is more important than getting your preferred day of the week. Don’t miss out. BOOK YOUR DATE FOR 2024 & 2025 SOON!